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Military Police Service Report on its 2014 Activity

On 29.01.2015 Military Police Service reported its 2014 activity. The Minister of Defense Mr. Nikolay Nenchev, Vice Admiral Rumen Nikolov, Permanent Undersecretary of Defense, the Chief Inspector of the Ministry of Defense, representatives of Joint Forces Command, Land Forces Command, Military Prosecutor’s Office of Appeal, Military Court of Justice, National Security State Agency and Military Police headquarters officers were present at the meeting.
The Director of Military Police Service Brigadier General Borislav Sertov reported the results, achieved through the one-year’s activities of the governing, operational and security staff in fulfillment of the delegated to the service functions and tasks under the Military Police Act. The emphasis of the report was on the counter-terrorism activities; disclosure, prevention and interception of crimes within the Ministry of Defense and the Bulgarian Army; security and control of the security activity and the army means of transport. Reported had also been the achieved military police capabilities; the readiness of the declared military police company and the joint activities with the command of the military formations.
In his speech the Minister of Defense thanked the personnel of Military Police Service for the well-done job emphasizing that the results exceeded his expectations. The Minister expressed his acknowledgement of the military policemen’s efforts and work.
6 May 2014 - Ceremonial Parade of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Bulgaria
The representative block of Military Police Service is coming in the square. It is being led by Col. Kostadin Stoichev, head of Department “Control and Security” within the headquarters of the service. In the front of the column is the Military Police flagcarried by LtCol. Ivaylo Sotirov. The service also has its march in addition to the other insignias and it is a sign of personalized identification.
The block has been built by servicemen of the regional military police services. The participants have gained extensive experience in exercises and training sessions in the country and abroad as well as on missions abroad.
Military Police Service is integral part of the Bulgarian Armed Forces history and dates back to the earliest days of the Third Bulgarian State. An end to the service’s activities was put in 1947. It was re-established with a Decree of the Ministerial Council on 05.11.1991. With this governmental act was actually established the first NATO-modelled formation in the Bulgarian Armed Forces.
Military Police Service is based on regional principle. It has 5 regional services and covers the whole territory of the Republic of Bulgaria.
Military Police Service is the first service of the defense and security system that has its Act, adopted by the National Assembly in 2011.
Opening of the New Military Police Building in Burgas
In 2012 Burgas municipal administration and Ministry of Defense held negotiations for cession of a released military area within the borders of the municipality for its needs. In return for this act it had engaged on the repairs and reconstruction of a part of a building at its expenses for the needs of Regional Military Police – Sliven as well as ceding two more municipal properties to Ministry of Defense.
Up to that moment, Military Police personnel inhibited a building in Izgrev quarters, 79 St. Stambolov Boulevard, 8 234 sq.m. The conditions were extremely bad as the building is dilapidated and considerable funds are necessary for the maintenance and repair.
The agreement with Burgas Municipality is of use to both parties. The municipality receives a property that can be used as necessary while Military Police Service receives a repaired building with excellent working conditions at a very good location. The new area is 954 sq.m., on 3 levels in the downtown, in close proximity to the port, railway station and main transport arteries of Burgas. An accessible city environment has been created through a ramp, entry point and a sanitary fixture for people with disabilities.
20 military policemen serve in Military Police Service – Burgas. They cover the territory of Burgas region and implement all the tasks they have been empowered by the Military Police Act – disclosure and investigation of crimes, providing of security and control, military police support to the activities of the military formations in the region.
At the Military Airmen’s
An “Open doors” day was held on 17.03.2014 in implementation of the National plan for celebration of the 10th anniversary of the membership of the Republic of Bulgaria in NATO and in relation to the holiday day of military formation 28 000 Graf Ignatievo – 63 years since the establishment of the air base and 10 years of Air Policing task.
The security of the air space of the Republic of Bulgaria in NATO Integrated Air Defense System includes also implementation of Air Policing task which includes detention and initiation of enforcement proceedings against a violator plane.
When an Air Force officer in duty issues a signal for carrying out the Air Policing task, Regional Military Police Service - Plovdiv employs manpower and equipment and acts in the stage of detention and enforcement proceedings with the crew of the plane held in detention.
The detention teams are supplied with highly-efficient equipment and vehicles because of the real threat from a terrorist act, committed by the crew of the plane.
This task was carried out with two Sand Cats, special 4x4 ballistic multipurpose vehicles with high performance. The vehicles are equipped with a chemical safety system for further team protection and are protected against mines, IEDs, fires, etc.
Detention teams comprise of two sniper shooters and the detention process is managed by a commanding officer in a mobile commanding centre, based in a Ford Explorer. From this position the commanding officer liaises with the basic operations centre, the crew of the violator plane and the detention teams.
The VIP guests and visitors highly enjoyed the demonstration. Of a particular interest was also and the exhibition of the Sand Cat, supplied with an integrated survival system that includes various state-of-the-art technologies and color TFT display. The remotely controlled weapon system allows in day and night light hours supervising and shooting by an operator in the protected hull of the vehicle.
Regional Military Police Service - Plovdiv and a group from Sector Search and Detention in Regional Military Police Service – Sofia safeguarded the facilities of the formation.
Military Police Centre of Excellence Establishing Official Ceremony
On 11.12.2013 at the Allied Command Transformation, Norfolk, USA was signed a Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministries of Defence of the Republic of Bulgaria, the Republic of Poland, the Republic of Croatia, the Czech Republic, the Federal Republic of Germany, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Romania and the Headquarters of the Supreme Commander of NATO Allied Command Transformation.
The Memorandum of Understanding aims at regulating the procedures of establishing, administering and functioning of the NATO Military Police Centre of Excellence and its interoperating with the Headquarters of the Supreme Commander of NATO Allied Command Transformation and other organizations taking into account the building up of long term multilateral collaboration between the member nations in military, military police, doctrinal, training and preparation and other fields of mutual interest.
Bulgarian Army Military Formations Firemen Start Their Training
The professional training of the Bulgarian army military formations fire brigades, initiated by Military Police Service, has been resumed after 5 years’ interruption and in relation to the ongoing reform in the Bulgarian Army.
In Military Formation 32040 – Krumovo under the management of Fire Control Sector from Military Police Service was held a-five day professional training with newly appointed and without any professional experience sergeants and soldiers from the Forces Joint Command, Land Forces and Air Forces military formations fire brigades in implementation of 2013 the Republic of Bulgaria Armed Forces Training Plan and Order № ОХ-809/26.11.2013 of the Minister of Defense.
The trained servicemen – firemen obtained initial knowledge and skills for the specific and responsible profession of extinguishing fires, handling the special technique and fire fighting equipment according to a plan ratified by the Director of the Military Police Service. The management of the host military formation supported fully the training, contributing to its high efficiency.
A test was done at the end of the professional training and the commission entitled the 36 military men to 24-hour fire safety active duty.
Silent night, sacred night
Christmas is coming soon and we all are in a holiday mood. As any other year there are going to be lots of charitable activities for the people in need. Military Police staff are taking part in the initiatives actively as they know that good acts bring satisfaction. For the second year in a row we participate in the “Yellow Coins” Initiative organized by “Creation” Association as we are aware that our humble support will contribute to the good deed. Thanks to all of the engaged.
Happy anniversary to Military Police Service
Change of guard
Brigadier general Dancho Dyakov handed over the post of the Director of Military Police to colonel Borislav Sertov through an official Military Police flag ritual. At the official ceremony where Military Police personnel, the Minister of Defense Angel Naydenov and some of the political management of the Ministry of Defense were present, brigadier general Dyakov wished to his successor sound health and patience in keeping the course of establishing the service as the cutting edge of the armed forces.
Colonel Sertov pledged to keep the proper practices and build up through his work, counting on the professionalism of his colleagues and the support of the Ministry of Defense.
In his greeting speech minister Naydenov said that he relied on Military Police for the enforcement of the new policy towards crime prevention within the army.
The Minister wished to the military policemen to carry on fulfilling their tasks conscientiously and to protect the name of Bulgaria with dignity in missions abroad. At the end he wished to brigadier Dyakov and colonel Sertov sound health and success and thanked them for their proved professionalism and increasing the Armed Forced prestige.
Donation by Brigadier General Dancho Dyakov
Brigadier General Dancho Dyakov donated his A-class uniform and pass card to the museum of Military Police Service.
“To Children – with Love”
A big jollification was held, organized by Military Police Service, in the Central Military Club on 30th May to celebrate 1st June – the International Children’s Day.
Children from “P.R.Slaveykov” Nursing Home and 176th School presented a festive performance for military police officers and guests from Ministry of Defense, Sofia Municipality and journalists. Celebrating holidays with charitable activities for disadvantaged children has turned into a tradition.
For more than two years Military Police Service has been working on the charitable project “To Children – with Love”, aimed at the Sofia Nursing Home “P.R.Slaveykov” alumni and alumnae. The raised funds have been given to the Nursing Home Principal, Ms. Nadejda Junova and have been used for the children’s needs.
Precision Shooting Competition amongst Representatives of the Association of Military Attaches, Accredited in Bulgaria
On April 16,2013 in the Military Police shooting range was held a 25m precision shooting competition amongst representatives of the Association of Military Attachés, accredited in Bulgaria. Paper target № 4 and 9x18 Makarov pistols and Sig Sauer SP2022 9x19 pistols were used. Best result and first place were achieved by the Russian federation Military Attaché – Colonel Alexander Sitnikov. He was awarded the Military Police Badge.
The Last Stage of the Military Police Formations Initial Training Came to an End
The last stage of the military police formations initial training came to an end on April 12, 2013. Military Police Service Director and department heads held a meeting with the representatives of the three branches of the armed forces, as well as company and platoon commanders of the military police formations. Aspects of achieving operational compatibility and formations consequent specialized training at the Military Police Training Centre were discussed. As a symbol of the beginning four cypresses were planted at the Military Police Regional Service – Sofia yard.
“To Children – with Love”
In November 2012 Military Police Regional Service – Plovdiv introduced a charitable program “To Children – with Love” to the benefit of the Centre for Family Type Accommodation in the town of Brezovo. We have good relationships with the children from the Centre. Gatherings were held for Christmas and the National Holiday, 3rd of March.
In early April the children visited Military Police Regional Service – Plovdiv and got familiar with our activities, sports facilities and some vehicles.
A Visit by the Military Police of the Republic of Serbia
From 19th to 21st March a Serbian Military Police delegation visited Bulgarian Military Police in implementation of the 2013 Plan for Bilateral Cooperation with the Military Police of the Republic of Serbia. The Serbian officials were:
- Col. Petar Tzvetkovich, chief of a department within Military Police Head Office;
- Maj. Boyan Balich, a representative of Military Police Head Office;
- Capt. Ivitza Blagoievich, a representative of Land Forces Military Police.
A Serviceman from Military Police Regional Service – Plovdiv Became Karate Shinkyokushin National Champion and was Awarded “The Most Technical Competitor” Prize.
Karate Shinkyokushin National Championship for men and women was held in Sofia on 10.03.2012. The competition was a qualification for the National Karate Team that is to take part in the European Championship in Switzerland in the beginning of June.
In Category of up to 90 kg Private Nikolay Miroslavov Varshilov from the Military Police Regional Service – Plovdiv had won the first place in “Kumite” (free sparing) defeating categorically his three opponents before the end of the set time. Private Varshilov had unanimously been awarded “Championship Most Technical Male Competitor” Prize by the referees’ committee. Sempai Nikolay Varshilov – I Dan is a competitor in Karate Shinkyokushin with the Army Sports Karate Club in Plovdiv, chaired by Shihan Georgi Popov – V Dan, and personal instructor Sensei Georgi Merdjanov – III Dan.
Since February 2013 Private Nikolay Miroslavov Varshilov has been a newly assigned serviceman within “Law and Order” Department of Military Police Regional Service – Plovdiv.
Good luck!